So I got various things for xmas, but the coolest was the new 5G iPod from my dad. Its got more space than my PC. I don't know what to do with 30gigs... Anyway I can play movies etc on it, which is really cool.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Executive Protection
So here we go! Passed the class.... Worked up in Vista at some "crazy" village. Fun times
Friday, December 09, 2005
Guns? We No Need No Stinking Guns...
Ok, maybe I do. Yesterday I took part one of my exposed firearms course for work. Taking part two on the range on Sat with SDPD. Should be fun times. I only have to hit a target from 3 yards, 10 yards and 15 yards. Garcia was having me hit target up to 50 Feet away, so should be no biggie. My shot grouping is pretty good, but I think I'm using my bosses pistol tomorrow, but we'll see how THAT goes.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Bluestreak Just Won't Give me a Break!
DAMMIT! So last night abbot 2 miles from work on a dark deserted road waaaay out in Escondito I lost my headlights. They kinda just went "poof"!
so today im gonna do the easy fix and go buy 2 circular driving lamps and install them with a separate switch etc. Voila! Problem solved
so today im gonna do the easy fix and go buy 2 circular driving lamps and install them with a separate switch etc. Voila! Problem solved
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Werewolves in London?
Last night at work, I was hearing a really, realy weird animal noise, or rather noises. They were all over the place! I could see there beady little eyes visible in my mag lite beam. Really creepy. I guess they were coyotes... I think if I see them again, I'll still be weirded out.
Black Friday
Woke up this morning to go with some friends to super ridiculous opening on black Friday. So we went to Walmart first and the line that was "wrapped" around this building was ridiculous, and on top of that they only had one door open. Also noticed a sign that stated "OPEN 12AM TO 12PM" It's nice to know that Walmart will be closing everyday at noon. Everyone I went with except for Kathy didn't get a single thing (Kathy got a Box Set for her dad).
Sunday, November 20, 2005
New Job
Got a new job (2nd) maybe I should call it my main job as its more than 40 a week, working as an Off Duty Officer. Fun times, and now I have to go get my Firearms Permit.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Patches? We No Need No Stinking Patches!

Ok, so the kids in all my classes designed space Craft for each class. And now they've designed mission patches to go with them. They each drew their own and than did a silent vote on which one was best for their class.
After this I brought home all the winning designs and put them into Illustrator. So here is what I came up with by copying their designs...
There are three different classes of ships: Zion (looks like the Apollo craft of the late 60's early 70's), the Ranger (looks like a mix of Gemini and Mercury Craft of the 50's), and Eagle (which looks like the space shuttle or has wings).
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Chess: A Short Story
Ready, Aim, Fire!

My buddy Chris Garcia took me an Kathy to the gun range this weekend.
Never fired a real handgun before so this was really cool. Chris is going to the Police Academy in January, so he's there all the time.
So after a short intro from Chris on how to fire and load and stuff like etude, off we went. My first target was one of those circle things, with a orange square in it. I had all 15 rounds within the orange square. I was kinda surprised, but not really. I was and Expert Marksman with a M-16:A2 in the army.
The next target we put up was one of those silhouettes with the organs marked out, and it was Kathy's turn.
Her first round went through the trachea! Chris an I said...woah at the same time. Her rounds were basically kinda close together, and missed a few times, but she did way better than I thought she would.
We shot for the next hour or so, at various targets or a picture of Osama bin Laden. Point to the wise, never ask me to shoot someone in the head from 30 feet or closer cause Chris was calling out body parts on the silhouette and I was hitting them dead on. Was really fun.
Next time we're gonna try the police simulator which used a projected scenario on a screen which you can fire live rounds at. Sorry no pictures but I might scan our targets...
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Bluestreaks Woes Continue

Hey folks: here's the story (updated)
thanks all of you for your help so far. But I'm still stuck after fixing a few things.
-Replaced ALT
-Replaced Voltage Regulator
-Replaced fusible Links
-Checked continuity on F & N wires in the plug at the ALT. Wires are good
If I connect a wire from the vertical part of the ALT to the battery, I get 13-16 volts showing on a Voltage Meter. So I know the ALT is good.
Q:Is there anyway to "check" the VR?
Q:The Girlfriend says/suspects that since the new battery has been used for the past week or so to try and start the car repeatedly, sometimes with the help of a booster pack, perhaps the batt needs to be recharged.
the batt currently only has about 8 volts in it. So when I'm running My car I've got the booster pack hooked up. But I figure that this shouldn't matter, I still should see over 13volts from the ALT.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Bluestreak Gutted and Filled

also removed some unnecessary wires from the battery. Once I get a jump later today, I will advise if the car is still not receiving a 14 volt charge or not. Last check was 12.6 and dropped after a few minutes....Until car stalls out.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Bluestreak's on his Death Bed

Most of you might know this already, but here goes anyway...
the Z's electrical system is STILL giving me a problem. I replaced the new alternator with a new one, and added a new battery. and on my way home yesterday car dies AFTER buying a Voltage Regulator.
right off the J Exit Ramp to where I was going it does and I had to push it off the ramp and UP into a parking lot. It's safe there... Called the auto dealership its at, and I'm good.
I want to re-wire the whole car.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Halloween Excitement

Yeah, so this is the first year when I've been more than just a Star Wars character for Halloween.
I took Kathy downtown to attend the "monster bash" event block party. We got close but determined it was 1000 people in a area for 300 people and all drunk frat guys/girls. I'm done with that scene.
Anyway, we decided that it was way more fun walking around downtown hearing "hey look! They're cute!" or "Lara Croft", or damn! I thought they was real.
We went to David "Patrone's Basement" a Jazz club on the corner of Market and 5th. Really cool! Erica and I were gonna go see him a few times,
and I think we did over at Martini Ranch. Fun times.

Kathy had tons of fun, at the many Irish pubs we went to, and had fun getting attention from all the guys yelling for her. We're gonna see what's going on for tonight...
Dr. Strange-Science

So school is going well. I figured the younger kids would be more out of control, but it's the older kids that have ADD. Interesting.
I also have a few students that are trying to insinuate that the earth was made by God. I try and stay out of it, by almost ignoring the question, by stating "no, the sun made the e Earth."
All my students have finished designing their spacecraft, and now I must go find software that will help me let them actually make one. I have some ideas, but we'll see.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Internet Scams and General Thevery
ok, I'll finish off my car invasion story first. After I noticed all that car stuff, I though I took a good inventory. I guess not cause today I was thinking about it, and went to me car, and lo-and-behold my tools are missing too. About 300 bucks worth I think, and the tool box which was mom's.
Ok, next topic. Recently me and a buddy almost got ripped off. Not sure if he has or not yet, still checking on that.
But anyway, back to my point. The website is They are posing as a Pimp my Ride site. I've contacted a few people about it. And actually this company has been reported before to the BBB and MTV/VH1
without getting into details, its a bad idea to deal with anyone over the internet that asks for money. Even eBay. Just double check anything, and if it sounds too good to be true, than stay away.
One more thing. I'm still checking on this next one, but I am selling my bass cab on and got an email from a willing buyer. The short part of THIS story is if anyone offers to buy something from you and they are in NIGERIA (what someone in Nigeria is doing wanting my bass cab in NC is beyond me) DON'T DO IT I'm going thru with most of the emails, just to see what happens. But this guy has NO information of mine so I'm gonna see what happens with this "cheque" he says he mailed.
info to follow
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Damn Fools
So I get up this morning and I get in my car and this is what happens:
I notice my hazard lights blinking. Weird..So I turn them off, but notice the switch is not there. Than I notice all the other switches are not there...THAN I notice someone stole my radio!!!! I'm like how the hell did they get in? I get out go to the passenger side of the car and notice my lock is all screwed up and my new door is bent around the lock and handle.
Realizing I can't start my car I proceed to aim it down the hill I'm parked on and attempt to "pop the clutch" thankfully it worked just as I was getting to the bottom of the hill. This is really pissing me off, as my car sat for 4 months on its own and...Nothing. Now it sits for a few hours and my radio gets stolen? Is it irony or is it just evil people in college park/LaMesa?
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
My Classroom
Monday, October 17, 2005
Thoughts on Today
Ok, two things... Julio form Pensive called me today and said I did not pass there audition because my playing style is a bit advanced for them, and they are concerned with my age. As I might want to wander off and have children.
on another note, First day of school went well.
The children were interesting and had interesting questions. I can tell who's gonna be a pain in my ass though. These were the younger kids 7-9. tues and thurs I have the 7-8th graders. Should be a bit more under control I think. I hate it when I'm trying to explain something and someone butts in, "what about the aliens" or "what's light speed" and I haven't mentioned it yet.
I guess raising your hand in the schools these days mean if my hand is up, we can talk...Doesn't matter if I've been called on or not.
must consult other teacher buddies
on another note, First day of school went well.
The children were interesting and had interesting questions. I can tell who's gonna be a pain in my ass though. These were the younger kids 7-9. tues and thurs I have the 7-8th graders. Should be a bit more under control I think. I hate it when I'm trying to explain something and someone butts in, "what about the aliens" or "what's light speed" and I haven't mentioned it yet.
I guess raising your hand in the schools these days mean if my hand is up, we can talk...Doesn't matter if I've been called on or not.
must consult other teacher buddies
First Day at School

Ok, so today was the first day of school for me in about 8 years!!! Don't know how it'll go yet, but we'll certainly find out. I think I'm gonna bring a digital camera with me to work, so I can take a picture of my classroom. Oh, in case you forgot, I'm gonna have all my kids "taking up Space" sorry had top say it.
Everybody remembers a "first day of school". Did you remember to bring all your stuff, trapper keepers, etc. Pens, those damn #2 pencils, and eraser. Perhaps I'll need some food for lunch. Oh wait..Never mid! Forgot that I don't teach during lunch. Sweet... I've been asking all my teacher friends for advice. Mostly its been be patient with them. Mr.Seltzer My Astro teacher in HS has not returned my emails just yet. I need some help on my black hole issue. But that's still a ways off.
...Well, here goes nothing!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Weird Job Transition

Ok, so for some reason, I am now an Astronomy Instructor at the "Elementary institute of Science" in Downtown San Diego.
My classes range in age from 7 years old to 13 years old. Mon-Thurs & Sat. Should be fun, and I think I'm prepared. Having issue coming up with a lab for star life cycles & Black holes though. I'll figure it out.
Actually, I've been trying to reach my old Astro teacher to no avail, to try and get some ideas from him. I guess we'll see if the email I have is the correct one.
So I start Monday...Sigh..Cant wait, but yet nervous. Also, I am a Music teacher. I'm giving lessons pretty much on everything with a few exceptions I wont name here. Pays 3X as much as the science gig. But fun times should be had by all.
(photo by me) can we all guess the constellation?
Friday, October 14, 2005
Previous Encounter
Ok, so a bunch of you asked me about the fire thing, if I was crazy or brave.
I DO remember this has happened before.
I went to the movies to see Hell Boy with my friend Tatiana at the fashion Valley Mall. We were enjoying a cookies-n-cream milkshake, and we saw a gang fight break out in front of us.
I jumped in and grabbed a few guys, and yelled something I cant remember. And they all took off. I guess I looked like a cop or something. These kids were tossing tables and chairs at each other for about 5 minutes. Was crazy.....
I DO remember this has happened before.
I went to the movies to see Hell Boy with my friend Tatiana at the fashion Valley Mall. We were enjoying a cookies-n-cream milkshake, and we saw a gang fight break out in front of us.
I jumped in and grabbed a few guys, and yelled something I cant remember. And they all took off. I guess I looked like a cop or something. These kids were tossing tables and chairs at each other for about 5 minutes. Was crazy.....
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Fireman Not Needed
Ok, so Kathy and I smelled smoke in the building, so after putting down my laundry I went to the hall to investigate. I looked out the 2nd story window and saw a lady running out of the next building over and yelling, so I ran down the stairs the the 1st floor, which had a lot of smoke in the hallway. I went outside and saw a fire burning in the corner apt. I ran back inside and the lady came with me and banged on the door to no avail, as no one was home.
She went back outside, so I pulled the firealarm and searched for an extiguisher, which I found in one of those glass boxes by the elevator. I broke the glass with my hand, cause I didn't have anything else. Briefly saw lots of blood, but didn't pay attention to it.
Ran back outside via the stairwell, and climbed up the the apartment, and started sweeping the fire at the bottom with the extinguisher. The fire had by this time set the entire deck and most of the wall with a sliding glass door in it ablaze. Once I got it out, using the entire contence of the extinguisher, or so I thought, I noticed that there were a lot of people watching me. I also noticed that the shingles on the building were still burning. So I called for another fire extinguisher (damn that's a weird word to type) and used almost all of it, on the building itself, trying to get in the cracks between the shingles and door frame. I found a metal rod laying by the door, and was just about to start pulling shingles off the building when the Fire Department showed up. With about 5 trucks.
I told them what happened, and what I did, and they took it from there. What was burning I think was this: I saw two metallic round things that could've been torch holders of planters. Not sure which. But one of the people on the HOA Board gave a big speech to everyone watching that you should never leave Lin-seed oil out in plastic bags on a deck. A Russian lady said he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, but the man insisted he was right, cause they showed him that in the navy (prolly back in the 50's or 60's judgeing by the mans age.
So I walk over the the other building and saw Kathy and her housemates waiting with the other 200 or so people now mingiling about. She said I was wonder where you were and when we came outside I was like, "oh my god, there's jay!" "I knew it!" she told me she knew I had to be in the middle of it doing something.
Was kinda weird once we got back inside knowing that Kathy was gonna drop me off at home earlier that night, but didn't. What would've happened if I went home? How big would the fire have gotten since no one there was doing anything? Would anyone have died?
later Kathy said some stuff, that made me agree to what my buddy Firefighter Chris Garcia said to me once. Girls are attracted to guys in dangerous situations, that's why girls like firemen more than cops.
She went back outside, so I pulled the firealarm and searched for an extiguisher, which I found in one of those glass boxes by the elevator. I broke the glass with my hand, cause I didn't have anything else. Briefly saw lots of blood, but didn't pay attention to it.
Ran back outside via the stairwell, and climbed up the the apartment, and started sweeping the fire at the bottom with the extinguisher. The fire had by this time set the entire deck and most of the wall with a sliding glass door in it ablaze. Once I got it out, using the entire contence of the extinguisher, or so I thought, I noticed that there were a lot of people watching me. I also noticed that the shingles on the building were still burning. So I called for another fire extinguisher (damn that's a weird word to type) and used almost all of it, on the building itself, trying to get in the cracks between the shingles and door frame. I found a metal rod laying by the door, and was just about to start pulling shingles off the building when the Fire Department showed up. With about 5 trucks.
I told them what happened, and what I did, and they took it from there. What was burning I think was this: I saw two metallic round things that could've been torch holders of planters. Not sure which. But one of the people on the HOA Board gave a big speech to everyone watching that you should never leave Lin-seed oil out in plastic bags on a deck. A Russian lady said he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, but the man insisted he was right, cause they showed him that in the navy (prolly back in the 50's or 60's judgeing by the mans age.
So I walk over the the other building and saw Kathy and her housemates waiting with the other 200 or so people now mingiling about. She said I was wonder where you were and when we came outside I was like, "oh my god, there's jay!" "I knew it!" she told me she knew I had to be in the middle of it doing something.
Was kinda weird once we got back inside knowing that Kathy was gonna drop me off at home earlier that night, but didn't. What would've happened if I went home? How big would the fire have gotten since no one there was doing anything? Would anyone have died?
later Kathy said some stuff, that made me agree to what my buddy Firefighter Chris Garcia said to me once. Girls are attracted to guys in dangerous situations, that's why girls like firemen more than cops.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Pensive Thoughts

I got a job teaching Astronomy at a science academy in San Diego, should be fun. A bit nervous, but I'm sure I'll have a blast.
I had an audition with a band called Pensive. I think I did pretty well. The guys there didn't notice any mistakes, even thought I caught myself in a few. But the review was that "you're obviously an awesome bass player, about time someone came in here and knew the parts"
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Real Life for a Change...
Ok, so aside for me touring all the time, I've created a "real life" blog.
So anything that is NOT pertaining to the band stuff, will be in here I think. So read on and HAVE FUN!
So anything that is NOT pertaining to the band stuff, will be in here I think. So read on and HAVE FUN!
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