Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Confessions of a Trolley Cab pt.3

OK, so last night was kinda big. i guess. I made my first felony stop and arrested someone for possession of narcotics and possession of narcotic paraphenalia. This white guy was basically smoking crack on the Right of Way last night. 11364 Health and Safety Code.
fun times. idiot.

The Lion Didn't Sleep Tonight

OK, so lets talk about non-respect. AGAIN after a discussion about not respecting others space, or whatever that i overheard in the house about me, the music was "jamming" all night long and woke me up at about 330 and again at about 5. WTF, Over???
lets talk about respect for a minute....

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Houston, We Have a Problem...

Yeah, so no band practice. Housemate told me and the other housemate its not happening. And i have no respect for others.* (please see previous blog about having a party till 10am)

Loud & Obnoxious

I love how when after very long days at work, I go to sleep only to be awoken at 4am by loud music, yelling and people playing horseshoes in the backyard. And certain people say I have no respect for others…

On other notes I worked about 170 hours last pay period. FINALLY a Sunday off! I can hardly believe it. I can have a band practice again, and spend time with Amie.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Lists Forgotten...or just no longer needed

I know usually Mom had us send out our Christmas lists around mid September. I just realized its November.

but sorry, i don't think i really have a Christmas list this year. there are a few things I would want, I guess its not that all important, or I'm getting to old to be asking my parents for gifts that seem to be getting more and more pricey as I get older. Weird how that works when you get older eh?

so here's my Christmas list

1. Have fun!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dentistry to Die For

Went to the dentist today, as im having severe pains and i cant sleap at nights sometimes...work sent me home today, and i quote" You look like shit, you feel good" "not really", "ok get out of here"

It was my day off anyway

so i went back to the dentist i started my root canal with

ok, so he set me up on a plan. i paid 27 dollars today to have both my left rear wisdom teeth shaved down for now, along with several x-rays, to include a panoramic or paragraph i cant remember which. He prescribed me some amoxicillin to go pick up today.

on Friday at 10am, he wants to see whats up.

he didn't use any Novocaine etc to do the drilling since i had no nerves there. he also said, i wouldn't need an oral surgeon to do the extraction. said since its not impacted or anythign weird or near the nerve, he can do it.
oh, and for those of you wondering, my lifelong battle with "Mr. Thirsty" continues
...and i'm losing

Sunday, September 10, 2006

5 Years Ago, when the World Cried

At about 8:50am, I got a call from either my father or my sister. I don't really remember which, but they told me to turn on the television to any station.

What I saw shook me forever... What I saw was unbelievable, 1 tower was smoking and people were at a standstill in the busiest city on the face of the planet. We hung up. My buddy Oliver Petterson called me and we talked for about 1 minute than the 1st building fell. he hung up saying he knew several people working in that area.

After about 10 minutes or so my mother called to see if I had been watching TV and if I had talked to Alison. At about this point WTC2 fell. It I than went over to my friend Bills house up the street, where a bunch of us were congregating, to watch on a larger TV.

There was some talk about going into the city with a friends brother who was an EMT. It was than that my boss called and said we would still be open. I showed up to work at about 4:30pm, and personally closed the store and made my boss angry in doing so at about 8:30 when I had had no customers or contact with the outside world, TV, radio, etc...

This was a day I'd never forget as both buildings were something that indentified the city to me. When I drove by during tour, I couldn't recognize the cityscape with out the WTC #1 and #2.

reading what m y sister wrote, seeing Flight 93 and WTC movies this year both retouched a nerve in a way, and ill never forget the feeling the day this happened.

Monday, August 21, 2006

20 Miles to Dusk

I rode in my first bike race on Saturday. After some Gruelling miles of uphill battles and staying with some pretty fast guys, I finished 12/347. I think that's pretty good, considering that I was riding a mountain bike, and everyone that finished with me except for me and two other guys were riding expensive road bikes.

I was really beat for about 5 minutes, felt kinda weird, and exhausted all at the same time. But exhilarated as well. I've gotta do this again, but get a road bike...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A War Won

A Letter Home...

Dear Mother,

I trust that my last letter found you well, cause now I have great news for you. We're coming home!!!

We have arrived at last and well at the next town. Our transport ships were without fuel for several days and we send a lot of the guys off to find fuel in the area. Luckily we found enough to fuel our transports and make our way across enemy lines and we are on our way back home.

It saddens me to say I saw a few of my brothers fall at the hands of former battlebuddies and brothers alike.
...But still we won the day

I helped scout out and stop the evil ODD forces from transferring some vital fuel cells back to the base, but after several rocket attacks on the transport they were in, I guess it had strong armor, cause on it went.
...But still we won the day.

Several atemps were successful by the ODD forces of capturing some of our medic stations and even our base
...But still, we won the day

My Squad Leader regarded a few of us well with a special gift from there US Marine Force. It was a pleasure fighting along side these men of ECHO Company, and ill do whatever it takes if I need to be reactivated and go back to defend what we know is right.

I'm concerned for my little brother Timmy. Hopefully he wont have to deal with this horrible war when he become old enough. Hopefully he wont have to gun down his friends and maybe even brothers... I feel sad that this might happen anyway. Cause even though we were victorious about leaving alive, and finding some key intel and objectives, I feel that they will be back.

...And we will be ready!

SPC Jax Archillies
35th Battalion 2nd Infantry Company 2nd Squad
EVEN Force

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Damn jets

Hey, ever wonder what its like to be hit by an A4 jet? well don't. It happened to me this evening. We were moving some jets around and someone called me and I turned around to see what was up and SMACK, ran my left cheekbone into the right flap of an A4.

its freaking started swelling up instantly. Good thing it didn't cut my face...NOT GOOD TIMES

either way nothing a good cold can of Pepsi couldn't handle. Hopefully I wont have a black eye for tomorrow!

Off to War?

well here goes. I'm off to fight in the great civil war of San Diego County. Hopefully our enemies of the O.D.D. regime will be obliterated back to wherever they came from...
..It pains me to fight against soo many of my brothers, comrades and friends alike. But I know our cause is just and we will prevail the day.i'm sure ill come out unscathed or so my witch doctor tells me. I'll be sure to save some mementoes for you all, and here's to coming home safe!
We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interest. Perhaps it is fate that today is the sixth of August and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution, but from annihilation. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist! And should we win the day, the 6th of August will no longer be known as an San Diego holiday, but as the day when the county declared in one voice, We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!
"Come on you apes, you wanna live forever...."

Put That Kid in Space

So I got a job at the San Diego Air & Space Museum, as the Events / Banquet Manager. I love this job! no day is the same, and I get to pretty much do a lot of stuff. Most of the museum staff is new so we're all trying to make the museum the best it can be.
Ther is a lot of stuff going on right now in my life, as you could prolly tell by my last entry. Well here's what's up now to all those faithful readers.
I'm moving, again. But don't' worry, I'm still local in SD. Moving to a house overlooking a canyon in Claremont.
I broke up with my girlfriend Kathy after about a year and a half, but since she's still kinda like my best friend, we're still close. I hope she can find the kinda man she's looking for, and hope she's happy with whatever she does. My buddy Chris Graduated the Police Academy a few weeks ago, as is beening sought after by a few departments.
One of my best friends Colt is getting MARRIED!!!! Holy crap! At least he found a good girl who understand all his geeky traits, and has some of her own. Erica will be taking pix of his wedding in NOV.
They should be awesome pics...but no pressure!
As for music, not sure what's happening right now, but I'll keep you all updated.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Going on 20+10

Where or who am I supposed to be? I’m not sure what’s going on, but I feel like I need to make a big change in my life. Perhaps at 30, I've come to realize that where I am in my life is not where I expected to be. Maybe it’s the fact that one year ago today, I started down a path, what I thought was gonna be the rest of my life. Touring.

I miss it, and hold one person personably responsible. Maybe my two friends that were on that journey with me don’t hold it against her, or maybe they do, but for some reason I don’t think I could ever talk to her again. I’ve thought about emailing her and trying to find out what the issue was, but I realize that it doesn’t matter. She, in some form, took my dreams and fantasies and crushed them, having a huge emotional impact on me. The night we dropped her replacement off at the airport, I couldn’t look, talk to or even think about anyone else but me and my two new best friends in the front of the bus, who now I would probably have to leave behind. It became an emotional roller coaster for the next week or so while we drove from Philly to Raleigh.

I don’t think I even told those two how I really felt about them, or how much they, meant to me. They gave me an opportunity to do something that I never really expected to do at that point in my life, and I love them greatly for it. Words are not enough to explain it; you’d have to be in my place, feeling what I felt at the time. Perhaps a large shaggy dog could explain it to one of them. To the other? I know that if I could succeed in this industry that it would make his year knowing that in some way, he helped me start, or rather finish going down that path.

I saw something that i’ve always wanted to see as a kid last night, and it did something to me. As it streaked across the sky at more than 7,000 miles an hour, and looked just like a plane; that was until it jettisoned its first stage and ignited stage two. It was actually really beautiful, and the spent fuel stayed illuminated in the atmosphere for the next 45 minutes or so. Something like that set me at peace. The same feeling I got on stage sometimes, or just driving thru the Kansas cornfields, or down the I-95 in South Carolina.

So now this over whelming feeling, of what can only be described as feeling lost, came over me this afternoon, and it scared me. I guess its cause I feel useless at work. I didn’t quit teaching for this. I realized that I can’t pursue a certain career path that I’ve wanted to do to, because as my father puts it, have “led an exciting life” and I agree. So screw them.

But now I’ve gotta attempt the impossible, or so it seems. Try and find a job in an industry unrelated to law enforcement, or music that will not decrease my earnings a great deal, which I feel it might. It seems that I'm too old to do certain things, and there are a lot of things that I almost had, or thought I would have by this time; a family, an “adult” type job (not low income like everyone I know out here), or a music career that leads to something. But it’s not anyone’s fault, it’s the way this city perhaps is set up. Or perhaps I’m just wining, so enough of that. Like Dennis Leary said once, “your life didn’t turn out like you expected it? Welcome to reality my friend.”

So is this an early midlife crisis? A nervous breakdown? I don’t know, but I don’t like it. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been through so much change in my life, perhaps I’m tired of exploring the options. All I do know is that where I am right now, is pointless, and unnecessary. Just think about how you would feel if you know that the job that your doing in unnecessary. Unnecessary you say? How? Well in the way that if you “removed” my actual job function that life at work would be unaffected. What I do every day is redundant and unnecessary, and extremely unproductive. I sit around all day and do nothing. And get paid for it! Now, I know pretty much everyone I work with would say, what’s the problem? You get to do nothing! Exactly my point. That is ridiculous. I need to have an outcome of my labor or rather lack of, to feel productive. Believe it or not I’d rather work for minimum wage than have a job where I do nothing.

Now the issue is how do I approach the big boy companies and not work for the little companies. I’m talking about companies that have been around forever, GE, Northrop-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Columbia, Clear Channel, NBC, etc. Not, Ma & Pa’s Grocery, Protect This Security, Mick’s Sticker Shop, or Vick’s Video Store, Popeye’s Boat and Marina, Pete’s Manufacturing Plant or Bob’s Country Bunker (no relation to the real one in the blues brothers).

But maybe reaching 30 is not so bad. Perhaps it’s a breaking point between childhood and adulthood. I always associated 21 with being an adult, but now that I think about it, why is that age so special? I had already had served in the army, been to college, owned a few cars and had a fiancĂ© by the time I was 20. So what makes 21 more adult than 20? or 18? It doesn’t. It’s just a number.

The fact is that now I guess is the time to make a change. Maybe the feelings I had today were me realizing the fact that I can’t live as a kid anymore, not that I have been. But perhaps it’s my conscience or soul or whatever, telling me that now is the time to make a change. A different change. More different that touring the US, proposing to a woman, buying a car, moving across the country, saying goodbye to your dying mother, or losing the one you love. A change that is a life altering state of mind and breaks away from that which has been holding you back.

What that is or was I’m not sure. But for some reason, something clicked in my head after seeing that rocket last night, and I’m taking this as a sign that the way I’ve been living is no longer valid in a way. I thought I was grown up, but society dictates that you’re not grown up until you have a wife, kids, house, white picket fence and 2.5 dogs. But perhaps that’s not what being an adult is. Perhaps it’s a state of mind, I’m not sure. But I have a feeling that the road ahead will be long and hard and perhaps, finally,I’m up for the challenge.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Death of a Hero

well Bluestreak officially dies in February, and I sold him to a ZClub member at the end of march for $500.00....mostly low price cause he doesn't run. However, he is being outfitted with a stronger motor and new tranny, and new wires...So I will have pix eventually when he is done...We'll see what he looks like. So farewell to our beloved bluestreak who never fullfilled my dream of becoming Prowl...


Well, I realize it's been a while, so here goes.
took my buddy Erica shooting for her first time and my 3rd time. (shhh, don't tell the guys at work) she did pretty good for her first time. The first round I thought she was gonna go sit and cry in the corner. But the loud noise I guess is what freaked her out, cause after that it was all good.
We only fired 50 rounds each, and Erica had to buy socks , as she was being all sex in the city and wore flip flops.

anyway, did pretty well, and maybe next time ill try to do those 3-4 round bursts.

till next time

Monday, March 13, 2006

30 Ways to be older...

Haven't posted in a while, but a lot has happened recently.

I've been promoted to Sergeant at work, soon to be a lieutenant (prolly a few weeks). Been a booking field with the band stuff, celebrated a one year anniversary with Kathy, and finally, I turned 30 on Friday.

ahhh, to be old. dammit, im not in my 20's anymore. it's the end of an era. not sure, but hopefully my 30's will be older than my 20's. I mean there were some good times but there were some real bad times. im not sure which outweighs the other...But it might be even. So we shall see....

Friday, February 03, 2006

Permits and Promotions Galore!

Ok, I got promoted to Sergeant at Off Duty Officers Wednesday. Means I get a company car and gas card. Good deal! Anyway, finally got my gun permit to come back, so I guess ill need to go buy my own now huh? thinking the Glock 26 or 36 a subcompact pistol. My buddy tells me I should try the Sig pistols. Cheaper and same reliability. We'll see

Monday, January 09, 2006

R.I.P. Johnny...

My ex-housemate Johnny Lefler-Panilla was killed of multiple stab wounds after leaving a bar Saturday night. The man who did it fled the scene and turned himself in Sunday morning. I realized this morning after doing laundry, that for some reason i have one of his navy duffel bags with his name on it. was really wierd. I contacted Miles and Sean of my old band No Such Luck and we are tryign to find out whast going on with final arrangements as we all want to attend any services. NSL used to practice at our hgouse and we were good friends with John.